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Visual appeal of hand painted Bollywood movie posters

Vintage hand painted Bollywood movie posters have an unforgettable charm. The “retro” feel of hand painted Bollywood movie posters from the good old days is a stark contrast to the “photoshopped” digital Bollywood movie posters of today. Quite simply, the feel and colours of vintage hand painted Bollywood movie posters are impossible to replicate with computers. The closure of the hand painted Bollywood movie poster business has not only impacted the livelihood of Bollywood movie poster artists, but also delivered a collectors value to the last remaining hand painted Bollywood movie posters. Sought after by collectors and admirers alike, their limited supply has led to a “sellers market,” with rare, vintage Bollywood movie posters commanding huge prices.

Indian Hippy offers the same sought after Bollywood movie poster art, albeit on a different canvas, at affordable prices. By hand painting everyday functional products that include fashion accessories, clocks and furniture, Indian Hippy is an attempt at giving the last few remaining Bollywood movie poster artists in India a platform to showcase their art to the current generation, while at the same time giving people an opportunity to own a piece of this timeless art.

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