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Corporate Social Responsibility

Indian Hippy is committed to reviving the vintage art of hand painted Bollywood movie posters. By giving the last few remaining Bollywood movie poster artists a supporting platform to showcase their panache, albeit on a different canvas, Indian Hippy strives to:

Revive love for the traditional art and colours associated with hand painted Bollywood movie posters, and in doing so, hopefully capture the interest of the younger “computer graphics” generation to study and ensure the continuity of hand painted Bollywood movie poster culture.

In today’s fast food era, digital posters can be printed at the click on a button in a matter of minutes. The significant contribution made by Bollywood movie poster artists to the Indian cinema lies forgotten, and the art headed for extinction. Indian Hippy aims to revive the magic of hand painted Bollywood movie poster art, and hopefully encourage the younger generation to learn from the few practicing artists in the trade, who are more than willing to pass on their knowledge and experience.

In summary, why do we at Indian Hippy feel the culture of hand painted Bollywood movie posters is worth preserving? The answer is as follows:

Hand painted Bollywood movie poster art:

  • is a cultural icon
  • has simply no parallel anywhere in the world
  • has a unique old world charm, representative of the heritage of Indian cinema
  • transformed the urban landscape with street art
  • was a means of survival for the artists who knew little else.

At Indian Hippy, we have taken it upon ourselves to achieve the following:

  • Revive & breathe fresh life into the forgotten art of hand painted Bollywood movie posters
  • Employ the last few remaining Bollywood movie poster artists
  • Rekindle old school magic of vintage, hand painted Bollywood movie posters
  • Innovate a range of hand painted products and services
  • Motivate younger artists to learn the vintage art of hand painted Bollywood movie posters
  • Ensure continuity of Bollywood movie poster art
  • Preserve authenticity and legacy of the art of hand painted Bollywood movie posters.
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