Hinesh Jethwani, Founder & Head, Indian Hippy

Hinesh Jethwani (37), Founder & Head of Indian Hippy, is an entrepreneur with a deep rooted interest in beautifying the ordinary. Indian Hippy was born in early 2009 when Hinesh learned how digital printing had rendered the amazing art of hand painted Bollywood movie posters obsolete. Today, the organization works with the last few surviving Bollywood movie poster artists in India with a core social responsibility and commitment towards breathing fresh life into this virtually extinct art form, and in doing so, provide a means of employment to the last surviving artists in the trade. Indian Hippy offers a gamut of products and services that rekindle the magic and charisma of old school, hand painted movie poster art by infusing it with a fresh dose of innovation.
Hinesh holds a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering and has worked in diverse fields ranging from Technology Journalism to Partner & Program Marketing for Open Source giant, Red Hat India. Before launching Indian Hippy, Hinesh founded and successfully ran a technology outsourcing venture called Text Sourcing that provided technical documentation and marketing services to Fortune 500 clients.